
Need help? Check out our FAQs or give Unifone a call today to talk about what we can do for you, whether it’s rural internet, home internet and phone plans or business internet solutions.

Email Settings

Do you have an internet plan with Unifone? Looking to set up your email? Unifone email servers require authentication with a username and password, i.e. your full email address and email password. Preferred options are below in bold.

Looking to set up your email?


RBI2 targets rural end users who have access to terrestrial broadband services (fixed line or wireless) of less than 20 Mbps maximum speed in any region in New Zealand. Unifone has contracted with Crown Fibre Holdings to provide internet services to eligible end users in parts of Otago.

​How does it differ from RBI1?​

​What services will become available when the network is built?​

​Can I stay with my current provider but connect to Unifone’s network?​

​How were the coverage areas allocated and where are they?​

​How is the service delivered?​

​How is Unifone going to benefit customers needing large data caps?​

​How fast do the connections run?​

​How do I sign up to an internet plan with Unifone?​

​What are the installation costs?​

Unifone Telephone Services

All broadband and landline telephone services, including the services sold by Unifone, share the need for continuous power to operate.

Most broadband customers use mains power to operate their internet and telephone equipment. This means if the mains power fails for any reason, the broadband and telephone services will not operate.

For most people, this is an inconvenience but for some people it is a significant risk to their personal wellbeing.

If you subscribe to the landline telephone service sold by Unifone there are some things we can do to help you stay connected if there is a risk to you not being able to reach 111 during a mains outage.

Depending on your circumstances, we may be able to provide an emergency service free of charge to you.

We’ve put together these Frequently Asked Questions to help you understand how your broadband and telephone services work. They explain how your phone service works, some things you need to know when things go wrong and how we can help if you need extra assistance because of health, safety, or disability issues you or a member of your household may have.

Why does my broadband and phone service need mains power?

How does the Unifone telephone service work?

What happens to my phone if the mains power fails or my internet connection is not working?

How do I call 111 if my phone has failed?

What if I really need to be able to call 111 at any time because of health/safety/disability issues?

The introduction of the 111 Contact Code.

Who is affected by the code?

I think I might be a Vulnerable Consumer, what do I do next?

What are my rights as a Vulnerable Consumer under the 111 Contact Code?

What are my obligations in this process?

I’m not a Vulnerable Consumer but someone in my household is. What can you do for me?

What sort of information do I need to provide to be considered?

What solution are you going to provide?

Is there a process to review my Vulnerable Consumer status?

What are my rights if I disagree with something Unifone proposes or has done?

What happens if I transfer to another phone and/or internet provider?

Is my information kept private?


Unifone UFB router setup

Most of our UFB plans come with a WiFi capable router, suitable for the speed the connection runs at. In some cases customers may need to supply their own router or change the configuration in their router. 

The setup details required for operation on a Unifone UFB connection are:

  • Authentication type: PPPOE on Vlan 10 on the WAN interface
  • Username: "your unique username"
  • Password: "Your unique password"

Our routers are usually preconfigured with WiFi details before dispatch. Call us if you want to change them and are not comfortable doing that yourself. 


Is Unifone able to help with the setup of a router supplied by the customer?

Should I buy a router from you, someone else or should I reuse one I already have?